When a woman gives birth, her newborn baby engages in complex manipulations of his mother's breasts. This stimulation sends signals along the nerves and the brain. There, signals trigger the release of a neurochemical called oxytocin in the hypothalamus. This ultimately stimulates oxytocin release the muscles in the breasts of the woman to expel the milk, making it available to her baby. But oxytocin also has other effects. When released from the incentives of the child, the mother's attention is focused on her baby. The child becomes the most important thing in the world. Oxytocin, acting in concert with dopamine, also in the face, the smell and sounds of the newborn to mark their fingerprints the reward circuit of the mother, making the care of the child, pleasant an experience of well-being, to motivate them to continue to practice this activity and build the mother-child bond. This link is not only the most beautiful of all social bonds, it can also be the most sustain...